March 2023
March 2
- How do International NGOs facilitate environmental governance of China’s overseas development?
- May Farid (Stanford University)
- Women’s Human Rights and Climate Change Action: Context Bangladesh
- M. Aynal Haque (University of Connecticut)
March 16
- Green Government Procurements Through the Lens of Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Performance
- Melisa Perut (UC Irvine)
- The electoral consequences of the coal phase-out in Germany
- Sophia Stutzmann (University of Konstanz)
March 30
- Partisanship and the Environmental Policy Decisions of State Public Utility Commissions
- Jared Heern (Brown University)
- Reclaiming Homes: Disaster policy implications on displacement in Puerto Rico
- Wendy Prudencio (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
February 2023
February 2
- Conserving What’s Left: The Political Economy of Protected Area Location
- Austin Beacham (UC San Diego)
- Aid withdrawal: theory and evidence from international climate politics
- Cleo O’Brien-Udry (Yale University)
February 16
- Asymmetric migration response: an application to welfare analysis in climate change
- Pin Sun (Pennsylvania State University)
- Do parties respond to natural disasters?
- Tim Wappenhans (Humboldt University Berlin)
December 2022
December 1
- Policy preferences in the presence of policy goals
- Gracia Brückmann (University of Bern)
- Economic Incentives for Coastal Homeowner Adaptations to Climate Change
- Bill Kakenmaster (University of Notre Dame)
November 2022
November 3
- Reversals of State Capacity: Norms and Political Disruption
- Daniel Goldstein (European University Institute)
- Non-material preferences towards FDI: do individuals reject investment from socially irresponsible firms?
- Carolina Moehlecke (FGV School of International Relations)
November 17
- Balancing Environment and Growth: Central Priority Shift, Incentive Calibration, and Pollution Control in China
- Xiaoshu Gui (Duke University)
- The Climate Crisis, Policy Distraction, and Support for Green Taxation
- Julian Limberg (King’s College London)
October 2022
October 6
- Perceived Relative Income and Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods: An Application to Air Pollution
- Angelika Budjan (University of Stuttgart)
- Decarbonizing the Dragon: Policy community and the power of network
- Jiaqi Lu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
October 20
- Firms and Information Environment of Climate Regime
- Dahyun Choi (Princeton University)
- Domestic Drivers of Party Competition over Climate Policies
- Maximilian Lüth (University of Lucerne)
March 2022
March 10
- Temperature, Conflict and Social Capital in Africa
- Garrett Albistegui (Stanford University)
- Climate Related Hazards: Focusing Events for More Ambitious Paris Agreement Climate Pledges
- Lauri Peterson (Uppsala University)
March 24
- An Unexpected Climate Activist: Central Banks and the Politics of the Climate-Neutral Economy
- Katrijn Siderius (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Turning Green: The behavioural consequences of environmental protests
- António Valentim (Humboldt University Berlin)
February 2022
February 10
- Globalization and Sustainable Development: A multidimensional approach
- Tung K. Dao (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- “Leading with the International” and the Stringency Gap Between Nations’ Outward-Looking and Domestic Climate Policies
- Todd Eisenstadt (American University) and Jennifer Lopez (American University)
February 24
- Overcoming institutional barriers of energy transitions: policy legacies and greening policies in Argentina and Chile (2000-2020)
- Santiago Cunial (University of Pennsylvania)
- Globalization’s Effect on Environmental Activism
- Dafni Kalatzi Pantera (University of Essex)
December 2021
December 2
- Who’s afraid of more ambitious climate policy? Distributional consequences and inequality perceptions in ratcheting up for the Paris Agreement
- Lena Maria Schaffer (University of Lucerne)
- No Diffusion at All: Trade, Free Riding, and Government Underspending on Environmental Innovation
- Muzhou Zhang (University of Essex)
November 2021
November 4
- Political Cleavages and Changing Exposure to Global Warming
- Alexander F. Gazmararian (Princeton University) and Helen V. Milner (Princeton University)
- Coping Practices and the Spatial Dimension of Authority Design: The Case of Environmental Policy Enforcement
- Constantin Kaplaner (LMU Munich) and Yves Steinebach (LMU Munich)
November 18
- Private adaptation to climate risks: Evidence from the world’s largest mining companies
- Maria-Therese Gustafsson (Stockholm University), Jorge Ernesto Rodriguez Morales (Stockholm University), and Lisa M. Dellmuth (Stockholm University)
- Local weather extremes and political attitudes on climate policy – Evidence from Switzerland
- Franziska Quoß (ETH Zürich) and Lukas Rudolph (LMU Munich)
October 2021
October 7
- Domestic Autonomy and Environmental International Non-Governmental Organizations: A Cross-National Analysis of Forest Loss
- Jamie M. Sommer (University of South Florida)
- Identity and the Structure of Climate Risk Preferences
- Noah Zucker (Columbia University)
October 21
- Status Symbols in Social Space: Inflated Lives, Clean Tech Privilege, and Electric Cars in Washington State
- Jean Léon Boucher (Dublin City University) and Walter Mérida (University of British Columbia)
- Walking the Talk: Why Cities Adopt Ambitious Climate Action Plans
- Sanya Bery (Wesleyan University) and Mary Alice Haddad (Wesleyan University)
March 2021
March 11
- The Power of Leadership: Implementation Strategies and Low-Carbon Policy Experimentation in Chinese Cities
- Weila Gong (TU Munich)
- The role of international organizations in equitable planned relocation
- Gabriela Nagle Alverio (Duke), Suki H. Hoagland (Stanford), Erin Coughlan de Perez (Red Cross Crescent Climate Centre), and Katharine J. Mach (Miami)
March 25
- Palm oil and the politics of deforestation in Indonesia
- Elías Cisneros (Göttingen), Krisztina Kis-Katos (Göttingen), and Nunung Nuryartono (Bogor)
- Ecology of Ecological NGOs: Agenda Setting in the Global Governance of Wildlife
- Takumi Shibaike (European University Institute)
February 2021
February 11
- Environmental commitments in different types of democracies: The role of liberal, deliberative and social-liberal politics
- Sverker Jagers (Gothenburg) and Marina Povitkina (Oslo)
- How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Public Support for Future-Oriented Policies
- Malcolm Fairbrother (Umeå University), Gustaf Arrhenius (Stockholm), Krister Bykvist (Stockholm), and Tim Campbell (Institute for Future Studies)
February 25
- The Institutional Sources of Economic Transformation: Energy Policy from the Oil Crises to Climate Change
- Jared Finnegan (UC Berkeley), Phillip Lipscy (University of Toronto), Jonas Meckling (UC Berkeley), and Florence Metz (University of Twente)
- Beyond Lights: The Changing Impact of Rural Electrification in Indian Agriculture
- Sudatta Ray (Stanford)
January 2021
January 14
- Trade Effects of Environmental Agreements: Uncovering De Facto Environmental Clubs
- Clara Brandi (German Development Institute), Jean-Frédéric Morin (Laval University), Jakob Schwab (German Development Institute)
- Institutional Roots of International Alliances: Party Groupings and Position Similarity at Global Climate Negotiations
- Federica Genovese (Essex), Richard J. McAlexander (UPenn), Johannes Urpelainen (Johns Hopkins SAIS)
January 28
- Who is delaying state climate action? Interest groups and coalitions in legislative struggles
- Trevor Culhane, Galen Hall, and J. Timmons Roberts (Brown)
- The Effectiveness of Network Administrative Organization in Governing Inter-jurisdictional Nature Resource
- Yixin Liu (FSU) and Chao Tan (Guandong Research Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower)
December 2020
December 10
- Reporting on Climate-Change Action: Paris Agreement, Fridays for Future and the Framing in Public News Worldwide
- Lisa Lechner (University of Innsbruck)
- Developing a continuous climate concern scale for use in experimental research
- Parrish Bergquist (Georgetown University)
November 2020
November 12
- Conservation and positive spillovers on corruption: Establishment of protected areas across Africa reduced local bribery
- Aksel Sundström (University of Gothenburg)
- Bureaucratic Capacity Building and Climate Cooperation
- Yves Steinebach (LMU)
November 19
- Growing Apart: China and India at the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol
- Shiming Yang (University of Southern California)
- Cheaters, market leaders, standard setters or rule-breakers? The who’s who of the global waste regime: Chinese and European perspectives on the Waste Ban
- Anran Luo (University of Freiburg)
October 2020
October 1
- “Leave It As It Is:” Network Effects on Protected Lands
- Darren Hawkins (Brigham Young University)
- Acres for the Affluent: How Governments and Nonprofits Conserve Land
- Samantha Zuhlke (Texas A&M)
October 15
- The Paradox of Climate Concern: Declining Mitigation Support after Natural Disasters
- Talbot Andrews (Princeton University)
- Temperature shocks and climate policy
- Sam Rowan (Concordia University)
October 29
- Diffusing Climate Frames in International Organizations
- Karina Shyrokykh (Stockholm University)
- Understanding Network Building Strategy in Environmental Governance
- Kristin Olofsson (Oklahoma State University)